Friedrich Böhm grew up in a Graz-based family of doctors that has been running the Hansa Sanatorium, a private clinic which is well-known and esteemed far beyond the borders of Styria and Austria.

As one of the youngest graduates in his day, Friedrich Böhm completed his studies in medicine at the age of 23. However, he soon realized that this was not his true vocation. Instead, he pursued a different career by studying pharmacy and by opening his own pharmacy, which paved the way for his pioneering development and sale of high-quality medicinal products.

As early as in the mid-1960s, Dr. Friedrich Böhm developed the well-known brand LUUF®. As one of the first herbal medicinal products, these gentle products are particularly beneficial to babies and small children in combatting colds. True to his success formula: “Be not only the first, but the best!”, Dr. Böhm’s brand LUUF® has been the leading cold specialist for young and old ever since. In 1972, the company set up its first activities abroad with this brand.

In 1983, the homoepathy line Apozema® was developed in cooperation with homoeopathy specialists. This second quality brand by Apomedica combines ancient wisdom from nature with the latest scientific knowledge.

In the early 1990s, Dr. Böhm achieved a break-through success in the field of food supplements and herbal medicinal products with the high-quality brand line Dr. Böhm® and the quality products of the same name. The first product already exceeded all expectations: The intake of just one Dr. Böhm® garlic dragée daily promotes mental and physical vitality and stimulates the cardiovascular system. The well-measured dosage and the additional, always positive, benefit are key to a successful formula which has been maintained throughout the Dr. Böhm® product line to this day.

In 2007, Apomedica took over the Lasepton® brand, thus expanding its product portfolio by another line of high-quality medical skincare products.

As different as the four Apomedica product groups may be, what they all have in common is not only their scientifically confirmed lead in quality but also their well-measured dosage, which provides a further benefit in addition to the desired effect.